The Cinema of Andhra Pradesh is also referred to as Telugu Cinema or Tollywood. The industry holds the Guinness World Record for the largest film production facility in the world and is also one of the three largest in number of filme production per year. Brahmanandam, a Telugu comedian actor, holds Guinness World record for acting in the most number of films in the same language. The Telugu film industry originated with silent film in 1912, with the production of Bhisma Pratighna. The film was directed by Raghupathi Venkaiah Naidu and his son R. S. Prakash. In 1931, the first Telugu film with audible dialogue, Bhakta Prahlada, was produced by H.M. Reddy. The Prasads IMAX theatre in Hyderabad is one of the biggest IMAX 3D screens in the world. Some of the telugu movies as folows :