The film stars Jr. NTR as Raja Vasi Reddy. He is someone who swears by non-violence, but is forced to take up arms by circumstances. Shruti Hassan, who was originally signed to play the female lead, walked out citing date issues. Later the producers approached Kajal Aggarwal who also couldn't accommodate bulk dates for the film. The producers finalised Trisha Krishnan as the first female lead. The soundtrack of the film was released on March 29, 2012 at Shilpakala Vedika in Hyderabad. M. M. Keeravani's music label, Vel Records, bagged the film's audio rights.
Release date : Apr 27, 2012
Language : Telugu
Genre : Action, Drama, Romance
Cast & Crew : Jr. Ntr , Trisha Krishnan, Karthika Nair
Director : Boyapati Srinu
Music : M.M. Keeravani
Length : 2 hrs 40 mins